Do you need to renew a license? Prepping for a license or
Expanding your knowledge for an upcoming
project? Looking to improve your professional skills? WSP USA is pleased to partner with
RedVector to provide you with
unlimited access to an extensive library of online courses (including webinars!)
covering a wide range of topic areas
designed for our industry, including engineering, construction, project management,
health & safety, professional
development, and more.
Many of these courses offer continuing education units/professional development hours
(CEU/PDH) that are designed to
meet state licensing board continuing education requirements. If you have a professional
license, be sure to add it to
your RedVector profile so you can track your license renewal requirements, find and
complete relevant courses, and save
certificates of completion. Your results will be reported (if required) to the
appropriate board on your behalf.
It is important to check back periodically, as additional courses and webinars are added